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  1. Bad smelly vaginal discharge
  2. Bleeding during sexual intercourse
  3. Irregular menstrual periods
  4. Constant pain in the lower abdomen
  5. Swelling in uterus
  6. Uncomfortable bowel movements
  7. Feeling of unwell
  8. Fever
  9. Pain in the rectal area
  10. Chills
  1. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Endometritis is caused due to sexually transmitted infections and bacterias that are passed during sexual activity like chlamydia or gonorrhea.
  2. Pelvic procedures: As per the doctors’ Endometritis can also be caused due to surgical or medical procedures that let bacterias into the uterus like an endometrial biopsy, inserting an intrauterine device, etc.
  3. Infection from mixing of the normal vaginal bacteria: In the general cervix, the opening of the uterus keeps the bacteria out but during the labor time when the cervix is open the chances of bacteria getting into the womb increases which leads to Endometritis.
  4. Injuries during labor: The uterus lining becomes inflamed during the injuries caused during the labor or pregnancy like miscarriage, cesarean delivery, etc.
  5. Lack of hygiene: People do not consider it as a fact but Endometritis is also caused due to the lack of hygiene in the intimate region which favors the growth of microorganisms causing Endometritis.
  1. Antibiotics: The patient is advised to take different antibiotics that can fight the bacteria causing the uterus lining inflammation.
  2. Further tests: Further tests like cervical cultures or biopsies that ensure the removal of infection after the course of consuming antibiotics.
  3. Removing tissues: Removing tissues is another option that surgeons do only if there is any tissue left in the uterus causing the bacteria to collect.

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