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Learn About Common Third-Trimester Complaints: Lightning Crotch

With all the excitement and affection during pregnancy comes slight discomfort in the form of a lightning crotch, which might be most surprising for women. Lightning crotch is that signature sharp, sudden stabbing, and painful tingling feeling in the pelvic area that comes and goes quickly. As per reports by Dr. Elsa, a Trained Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Dubai, specific phenomena generally happen in the last trimester or the last four to six weeks of pregnancy.

What are the common symptoms of lightning crotch?

The symptoms of lightning crotch vary from person to person in that some pregnant women don’t experience the pain at all. On the other hand, some experience it very frequently and intermittently. The most common symptoms include:

  1. A sharp feeling of pain, like a bolt of electricity, shooting pain, or needle sensation in different parts of the pelvic area.
  2. Tingling pain down the legs.
  3. Bursts of pain.

What are the causes of lightning crotch?

In general, the condition of the lightning crotch is not considered as a serious condition, but that does not mean that you can ignore it. When it comes to knowing exactly what causes lightning crotch, there are several mixed pieces of information. As per some reports, it is not exactly clear what makes lightning crotch happen. On the other hand, some reports suggest a few common reasons:

  • The fetus’s position: The reason for baby dropping is considered one of the most common reasons for lightning crotch occurrences. The changing position of the fetus in the proper position for delivery can hit the nerves and lead to pain.
  • Separation of pubic bones: “lightning crotch” happens due to the hormones relaxing that help the pubic bones separate in preparation for birth. The pubic symphysis, a small joint located in the lower center area of the pubic bones, also contributes to the pain to some extent.
  • Fetal movements: Your growing baby can also be one of the reasons why you are experiencing a lightning crotch. Those fetal movements of growth and little kicks can lead to extra sharp pains rippling through you.

What can you do to get relief?

Women experiencing extreme and frequent discomfort along with the symptoms of lightning crotch can help themselves by performing the below-mentioned things. As there are no tried and tested ways to definitely cure or prevent lightning crotch, the mentioned tips may alleviate compressed nerves and joints.

  • Remain active: In pregnancy, it is important to remain active by gently moving your joints and making them flexible. Remaining active decreases the chances of weight gain, makes your joints flexible, and more.
  • Check your posture: Keep a check on your balance and posture, it helps you from different pains and aches. It is advised to stand and sit in the best possible way.
  • Take rest: With remaining active, proper rest always counts. It is advised to always take extra rest during pregnancy and avoid standing upright for longer periods of time.

For a pregnant woman, the lightning crotch is extremely surprising. It is important to know that lightning crotch can be quite painful, but there is an end to the pain. If the pain is pervasive and gets more severe with different symptoms like cramps, bleeding, vaginal discharge, and others, you need to call your doctor immediately. If you are someone experiencing lightning crotch frequently, it is time to Book an Appointment at New Concept Clinic, a Pregnancy Care Clinic in Dubai offering labor and childbirth treatment in Dubai.

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