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After a few days of giving birth a woman’s body is practically vulnerable to infection-causing bacterial development in the tissues that causes infection in different parts of the body.

Common Types of Postpartum Infection

  1. Endometritis: An infection caused in the upper genital tract including the endometrium, myometrium, and surrounding tissues that need hospitalization.
  2. Wound Infection: Occurs after a C-section wound infection is caused by the presence of bacteria around the area of incision with symptoms like redness, fever, lower abdominal pain, etc.
  3. Perineal infection: Ranging from mild to complicated in a woman’s health-related issues perineal infection affects the perineum.
  4. Urinary tract infection: UTI is a puerperal infection affecting a woman who underwent both the cesarean section and vagina resulting in extreme discomfort and hospitalization.
  5. Puerperal mastitis: A regional infection caused by skin flora or oral flora of breastfeeding the child. It affects the breasts and is said to be treated with oral antibiotics.

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