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If you ever ask a woman, “What is the most annoying experience in pregnancy? A woman who has experienced morning sickness will say nausea. In general, morning sickness is nausea and vomiting that affects a woman during the first 3 months of pregnancy. According to Dr. Elsa, the top gynaecologist in Dubai, morning sickness affects over half of all pregnant women and can last all day for some.

Also Read: What Does it Feels Like? Morning Sickness in Pregnancy

Even though the exact cause of morning sickness is not known, there are several facts that can conclude the occurrence of morning sickness.

  1. Rising hormone levels
  2. Sensitivity towards scents
  3. Increase in saliva production

As stated by Women’s Obstetrics & Gynaecology Specialists morning sickness can cause discomfort but is not something to worry about unless and until it gets severe and leads to dehydration, weight loss, and other health-related problems. If you are tired of feeling queasy, check out the below-mentioned effective ways of getting relief.

  1. Eat with care: Be very careful with what you eat during pregnancy because it is the most vital thing to do. When experiencing morning sickness, it is advised to always first find out the food that best suits you and then eat with care. You can include easily digestible foods like rice, dry cereals, and bananas along with protein-rich foods and citrus foods. Cut down on the consumption of fatty and spicy foods and try to eat small portions.
  2. Take proper rest: Keeping yourself active during pregnancy is necessary, but getting plenty of rest followed by a good night’s sleep is something that you should practice and manage often. Go to bed early, rise early, take naps during the day, etc.
  3. Opt for loose clothing: When pregnant the type and style of cloth you wear says a lot. Wearing restrictive and fitted clothes can be a possible cause that causes you morning sickness. It is advised to wear loose and comfortable clothes.
  4. Stay hydrated: Not drinking enough water can result in nausea and even worsen the situation. So, it is advised to have at least 6 glasses of water throughout the day and switch to juicy fruits, and other substitutes.
  5. Get support: Talk to your loved ones and try to express what you feel. If you feel, there are certain things that contribute to causing your morning sickness, ask someone to stop them. For instance, the fragrance of a scent and other odors.


The good news around the corner is that the feeling of morning sickness, nausea, and vomiting gets better and even disappears after the first trimester. Because morning sickness does not have a specific cure, you can try to ease the situation with these simple steps. However, if you feel like the symptoms of morning sickness are growing instead of vanishing, then it is now time to seek immediate medical care. To get your care, you can visit or book an appointment at New Concept Clinic, a women’s pregnancy center in Dubai offering the best pregnancy care and obstetric and gynaecological services.

Also Read: A brief Rundown on the Different Types of Contractions During Pregnancy

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