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 What are the benefits of breastfeeding for baby and mom

What are the benefits of breastfeeding for baby and mom

Breastfeeding is a deeply personal and natural practice that offers unbeatable benefits of breastfeeding for both baby and mom. It is not just about feeding but also a way of developing, guarding as well as supporting physical and emotional health. New parents can make informed choices concerning how they can best take care of their babies by being conversant with the all-inclusive benefits. This blog will explore various benefits of breastfeeding for both baby and mother.

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Baby

Breast milk has remarkable nutrients that are specifically meant for your baby’s needs. Starting from the time when your delivery is done, it contains essential minerals and immune-boosting components necessary for proper growth and development. The following are some of its top benefits to the baby:

-> Optimum Nutrition: Breast milk combines vitamins, fats, proteins in exactly right proportions.

-> Boosting Immune System: It has antibodies which fight illnesses that may affect your baby.

-> Healthy Weight Promotion: Ensures normal appetite control among infants.

-> Improved Brain Development: Breast milk has fatty acids that help in brain development.

-> Reduced Disease Risk: Less sickly compared to children fed artificial foodstuffs in any form or nature.

Additionally, breastfeeding provides babies with easily digestible nutrition that changes over time. The presence of antibodies in breast milk save kids from infections thus laying a good foundation for future health lives. Studies reveal that breastfed children tend to have higher IQs and lower rates of obesity, type 1 diabetes, certain types of cancer than formula-fed ones (Riordan & Wambach 2010). Furthermore, exclusive breastfeeding enables development of a stronger immune system assisting in preventing multiple kinds of infections (Wambach & Spencer 2019).

Benefits of breastfeeding
Benefits of breastfeeding

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom

Conversely, while most people concentrate on infant’s condition during this period; mothers who engage it gain significantly from it in many respects too. This strategy helps heal after giving birth and has long-lasting health benefits for the mum and enhances mother-infant bonding. The following are some of its top benefits to the mother:

-> Promotes Bonding: It supports emotional bond between a baby and its mother.

-> Assists in Postpartum Recovery: It causes uterine contractions and reduces postpartum bleeding due to oxytocin release into bloodstream.

-> Lower Risks of Cancers: Breast and ovarian cancer risks are reduced.

-> Osteoporosis Prevention: Lower risk of osteoporosis and hip fractures later in life.

-> Convenience and Cost-Effectiveness: Always available, at the right temperature, free.

The relationship between feeding babies with their mothers is more than just nourishing them — it also gives meaning to healing. Oxytocin, released during breastfeeding helps uterus regain its shape after childbirth while decelerating postpartum bleeding. This hormone also improves emotional bond between a woman and her infant so as to promote closeness, safety. Moreover, women who breastfeed have a lower risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer as well as osteoporosis in late age (Wambach & Spencer 2019). Practically speaking, it is convenient, can save money on formula or other related costs, there is no need for warm-up preparation time especially when one has a busy schedule.

FAQs on the Benefits of Breastfeeding

Q1: How long should I breastfeed my baby to ensure they receive the full benefits?

Ans. Breast feeding should be carried out exclusively for six months in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) before combining it with appropriate supplementary feeding up to two years or more if possible. The longer one breastfeeds, the greater is the benefit for both mother and child.

Q2: Can breastfeeding really boost my baby’s immune system?

Ans. Definitely, breast milk significantly enhances infant’s immunity against infections because it is rich in antibodies especially immunoglobulin A (IgA) which forms a protective layer in the intestines, nose and throat.

Q3: Is breastfeeding beneficial for mothers as well?

Ans. Yes! There are many health advantages that accrue to mothers who practice breastfeeding such as; reduced risks of breast and ovarian cancers, better healing after childbirth and lower chances of getting osteoporosis later in life. Furthermore, extra calories are burnt by breastfeeding during postpartum thus facilitating weight loss among women.


Breastfeeding has numerous advantages for both child and mother; ranging from breastfeeding’s relation to optimal nutrition in infants as well as immune support that helps reduce cancers among mothers. In fact understanding the advantages about breastfeeding will go along way in helping parents make an informed decision regarding how they should feed their children.

If there are any clarifications needed or anything else that I can do, you should not hesitate to contact your health specialist or a lactation therapist.

Source:- Benefits of breastfeeding for baby and mom

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