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  1. Irritability: In the earlier stage of menopause around 70% of women feel irritated. They feel more annoyed and become less tolerant of the things they used to be normal at.
  2. Depression: Everyone out of the five women feels depressed and fails to analyze the emotional side effects of menopause. Depression in menopause is considered the most common and emotional side occurring of menopause.
  3. Anxiety: Anxiety in menopause includes tension, panic attacks, nervousness, etc. Many women experience it at an increasing level and some experience it for the first time.
  4. Weepy episodes: The feeling of crying over everything is what we call weepy episodes. Under this situation, a woman feels like crying, However, the situation is said to reduce the stress and release the feelings.
  5. Insomnia: One of the most common symptoms affecting women in menopause is Insomnia. It happens to around 50% of the women who undergo menopause and leads to other mood swings like feeling dizzy, not talking to anyone, etc.
  1. Short term hormone replacement therapy
  2. Acupuncture treatment

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